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This is how we Roll!

Ben Finch & Joy Finch

“Creative Juice always on tap!”

Ben is the Creative Lead of the Visible

Group. He formed the company a few

years back as a way to support

his love for photography, creative

design, travel, & music. As well, he is a

practice management consultant in the

medical field & a staff pastor at his

church. People hang out with him

because he has such a cool wife, Joy.

Joy recently came home to take care

of their son, Brennan, & help with the

admin. of The Visible Group.

Email: ben@thevisiblegroup.net

Jeremy Crews

“My world is numbers.”

Jeremy has been around since the

beginning & heads up the financial

management of the company. He married

Debbie who is way out of his league

& we continually remind him of this fact. They

are glad to be back in the “Mother Land,” also

known as East TN. Jeremy has a heart for

children & serves at his local church in the

children’s ministry.

Email: jeremy@thevisiblegroup.net

Alison Nation

“I provide the balance.”

The most recent addition: Alison recently     

graduated from graphic design school with a

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communication.

Her design talents are multi-faceted & she

specializes in logos, stationary & print design,

& digital photography. She brings a sense

of balance & professionalism to an otherwise

rowdy group. Her husband, Don, keeps us

all in line as a police officer.

Email: alison@thevisiblegroup.net

web designweb_design.html
print designprint_design.html

© b.finch 

private photo sessionphotography_sessions.html

My picture is coming soon!